REGION 4 Australia's Ultimate DVD Magazine
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(voting commences 11 December 2002 - 10 January 2003)


The Australian DVD Awards takes a look at region 4 DVDs that made a difference in 2002.

Australians at the forefront of DVD technology will be recognised for their inspired creative efforts, which has made DVD the leading format in Home Entertainment Technology.

December 2002 - January 2003, you decide which DVDs of 2002 are deserving of a prestigious Australian DVD Award as we offer you the chance to vote for your favourite region 4 DVDs and be in the running to win massive REGION 4 prizes including DVD hardware & software.

Vote on the following categories:

1. Best Use Of Special Features
Awarded to the DVD that makes the best use of the format's capabilities in order to extend the movie's experience by adding valuable, educational content to the release.

2. Best Menu Design
Awarded to the DVD with the most exciting, intuitive, appropriate and clear use of menus and navigation.

3. Best Audio Commentary
Awarded to the DVD with the most interesting and entertaining audio commentary that demystifies the movie making process and allows you to learn more about film making on a DVD.

4. Best Animated DVD
Commends the release that makes best use of DVDs technical capabilities in the confines of an animated video production including visual presentation, bonus materials and navigation.

5. Best Music DVD
Commends the release that makes best use of DVDs technical capabilities in the confines of a music video production including audio presentation, bonus materials and navigation.

6. Best Box Set Presentation
Recognising the most effective use of all the elements of a DVD titles packaging and presentation, taking into consideration the case, the outer graphics, the booklet and additional content, and decoration on the disc itself.

7. Best Australian Film On DVD
Honours the best Australian feature film to be released on the DVD format.

8. Best DVD
Honours the DVD considered the very best of the entire industry, based on all technical and artistic aspects and its extension of the feature presentations experience through inclusion of quality bonus materials.

Look out for the official voting form in your next issue of REGION 4 or click on the link to vote.

(voting commences 11 December 2002 - 10 January 2003).

Make your vote count in 2002



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